Archive for May, 2010

COSSFest 2010 – Calgary’s Open Source Software Festival

On April 9th & 10th, Calgary Open Source Software advocates held a 2 day festival to discuss the challenges facing open source software, and promote its adoption.

COSSFest 2010 Panel

Interested in OSS, I volunteered to create video archives of the event. Downloadable and Creative Commons licensed recyclable copies of the video coverage can be found on Internet Archive. (Anyone without full Flash support in their browser might need to access the lectures that way.)

But for YouTube hosted copies, I decided to experiment with YouTube Annotation Hyperlinks. They allow you to link from within one YouTube video to another. This allows me to show a brief summary of every event, and let the viewer click through if they would like to learn more.

For anyone denied YouTube Annotation Hyperlinks (currently not supported by iPhone or iPad), here’s an index of lectures. Clicking will open the appropriate YouTube video’s landing page, where you can either watch it, or find embed HTML if you’re looking to propagate your own lecture.

Speaker(s) Subject (links to speaker’s YouTube video)
Shawn Grover COSSFest 2010 Summary
Marcel Gagne Seeding the Clouds
Bruce Byfield Sexism in Open Source Software
Richard Stobbe Canadian Law & Open Source Licensing
Aaron Seigo Customizing Your Desktop with Javascript
Richard Weait Introduction to Open Street Map
Dafydd Crosby How to be FOSSome
Stefan Steiniger Building on Open Source GIS
Joshua Schroeder Drush the Drupal Command Line Interface
Adam McDaniel Managing Source Code with GIT
Attendees & Volunteers Drunken Rants during Party
Dafydd Crosby A World of 100% Open Source Software
Bruce Byfield Open Office Org vs Microsoft Office
Dafydd Crosby &
Gustin Johnson
Bleeps Sweeps & Creeps:
Audio Mixing with Open Source Software
Richard Weait Hardware Hacks for your Wireless Router
Renderman 4 Types of Locks
Various Speakers Panel Discussion: Death of the Desktop
Shawn Grover COSSFest 2010 Wrap-Up

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DemoCampCalgary17 Coverage

Here’s coverage of the Calgary DemoCamp held on 2010-04-27. Of all the demonstrations, the one I found most interesting was Big Nerds In Disguise‘s presentation of the iPhone game “Own This World“.

This is mostly because of my fascination with GPS enabled games, which raise the chance of physically bumping in to some stranger who you’ve just been battling with. That, and a resource system reminiscent of M.U.L.E. (yes, I’m old), must make for an interesting social laboratory on the programmer’s end.

For a more detailed summary of the demos, and future DemoCamp scheduling information, head to

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