Archive for category startups

DemoCampCalgary17 Coverage

Here’s coverage of the Calgary DemoCamp held on 2010-04-27. Of all the demonstrations, the one I found most interesting was Big Nerds In Disguise‘s presentation of the iPhone game “Own This World“.

This is mostly because of my fascination with GPS enabled games, which raise the chance of physically bumping in to some stranger who you’ve just been battling with. That, and a resource system reminiscent of M.U.L.E. (yes, I’m old), must make for an interesting social laboratory on the programmer’s end.

For a more detailed summary of the demos, and future DemoCamp scheduling information, head to

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Chaordix Promo Video on Crowdsourcing

I’ve created a corporate video for Calgary based Chaordix which briefly describes crowdsourcing.

[flashvideo file= image=×290.gif width=515 height=310 duration=127 /]

The creation of this video was an example of client fast feedback loops enabled by posting iterations of a video to a private video host. While working on each iteration of the video, the previous iteration was uploading to Blip.TV.

Prior to upgrading to a 64-bit OS (Win7x64), there was a noticeable hit in PC performance while simultaneously rendering and editing. But now with 7 GB RAM, and 4 CPU, I can edit, render (and of course upload) at the same time. Good workflow.


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DemoCampCalgary15 Coverage

DemoCampCalgary is where programmers and startups can expose their work to Calgarians, and put out an open call for various forms of assistance. Feedback? Beta testers? Looking for seed capital? A DemoCamp is just what the doctor ordered!

(Doctor Gordon James McDowell not a licensed physician, but can still fix your stiff spine with a quick twis… oh sorry. Can’t feel your legs? I’d better get you to a hospital.)

Head to to find out when & where the next BarCamp is going down in Calgary.

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MJ Lecture: Buying Money

Shortly after the economy tanked, when people lost the spring in their step and life’s soundtrack became an endless loop of O Fortuna… MJ gave a lecture.

“Your landlord doesn’t want your stock, Safeway doesn’t want your stock. They like cash.” -MJ

I used to transcribe this video. They’re quite excellent.

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